DescriptionPhoenix Star Glass Bubbler With Inline Diffuser Perc 11.8 Inches PHX654 measures 11.8 inches in height with a thick & round base to ensure its stability. Made of high quality borosilicate glass, this hand blown glass pipe comes with 24k gold Phoenix Star logo to make it stand out from the crowd. This bubbler is equipped with inline diffuser perc with six slits to diffuse and filter the smoke before hits your lungs to provide you with smoother and more comfortable smoking. The smoke will be split into more small bubbles and more interactive areas with water for better filtration. And you and your customers can watch the tumbling water to de-stress during the smoking. Just try this perc bubbler, you will never regret!
Height: 11.8 Inches
Joint Size: 18.8 mm
Feature: inline diffuser perc
Color: Gley, Orange, Green, Blue
With 24K Gold Phoenix Star logo
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