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    Phoenix Star Glass Bong Downstem PHX925, made from high-quality borosilicate glass, offers exceptional durability. Its slitted design provides effective preliminary filtration of herb debris, ensuring a smoother smoking experience. This downstem diffuser is compatible with 18mm bongs and it comes in three different lengths.

    Make sure to measure the required downstem length accurately. For guidance on measuring, please refer to Phoenix Star downstems collection. It's important to note that while there is some flexibility in the downstem length, the water level should always submerge the slits. If your downstem for bongs is slightly shorter, simply add more water. However, avoid using an excessively long downstem, as this can prevent the joint from fitting correctly in the bong joint and may damage the base.


    Lenght: 4"/4.7"/5.5"
    Fit for 18mm water bongs

4" 4.7" 5.5" Glass Bong Downstem

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