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Glass glycerin bongs are a type of water pipe that you can freeze. They're filled with glycerin, a non-toxic, viscous liquid. The glycerin is typically housed in a removable coil or chamber that you can pop into the freezer. Since glycerin stays liquid at low temperatures, with a freezing point around -37°C (-34°F), it can be frozen effectively in your freezer, providing a long-lasting cooling effect during use.

When you take a hit, the smoke or vapor travels through the frozen glycerin, cooling down significantly and making for a smoother, less harsh hit compared to traditional bongs. High-quality glycerin bongs are made from durable borosilicate glass, which is heat-resistant and built to last.

Our Phoenix Star Glycerin Coil Bongs are among our best sellers and are popular with smokers everywhere. If you're still on the fence about them, take a look at the FAQ below to see if it might be the right choice for you.


Are Glycerin Coil Bongs Worth It? 

Hear it straight from our customers.

1. Are glycerin bongs overhyped?

Idk.. I had a Phoenix Star too. Shit was awesome. The inside of the chamber can be hard to clean but if you keep up with it it will never be a problem. I smoked out of mine daily for over a year before it broke and it’s still my favorite. I bought a huge one for about $160.

I've had a Phoenix Star as my daily bong for about 3 years now and it's been the best bong I've ever owned. It is a bitch to maintain, but as you've said if you keep it clean it won't be a problem. I didn't even realize Phoenix was such a big brand. It was an impulse purchase! Best bong out of 27 years of smoking.

2. Are glycerin bongs worth it?

If you have an ice pinch on your bong, it’s pretty close. Not to say ice is a hassle, but frozen versus no frozen is a very, very significant difference. So much so that I see no value in just water at this point.

3. Do glycerin bongs get clogged easily?

Glycerin bongs can get clogged, but this is true for most bongs. The key is regular cleaning. Even though it can be a bit of a hassle, keeping the bong clean ensures it performs well and doesn’t become a problem.

4. What are the advantages of using a glycerin bong compared to other cooling methods?

Glycerin is by far the best hits I’ve had out of a bong. I’ve used it out of the fridge and the hit is very clean. If you’re looking for a cleaner hit than adding ice, this is it. I think it’s because the whole bong is chilled, which is why it makes a better hit.

Glycerin Bongs Cleaning & Maintenance

1. Can I clean my glycerin glass bong with hot water?

No, it’s not recommended to clean a glycerin bong with hot water. Glycerin expands when heated, which can put pressure on the glass and potentially cause it to crack or break. The combination of expanding glycerin and the sudden temperature change is particularly dangerous for the glass, especially if it's been stored in the freezer.

Safe Cleaning Tips:

a. Use warm (not hot) water with a small amount of dish soap or glass cleaner.

b. Use isopropyl alcohol and coarse salt to clean stubborn residue. Gently shake the bong to help dislodge buildup.
c. Always allow the bong to reach room temperature before cleaning if it’s been in the freezer, to avoid sudden temperature changes that could stress the glass.

2. What to Do If my Glycerin Bong Breaks?

a. If It Arrives Damaged:

If your glass bong arrives damaged from an online purchase, reach out to the online bong shop where you bought it. They should be able to send you a replacement.

b. Quality Issues During First Use:

If you notice issues like no airflow or clogging when you first use it, contact the seller. They’ll usually offer a solution like a refund or replacement.

c. If It Breaks During Use:

Most glycerin bongs are detachable. If a part like the coil top or bottom breaks. Many brands offer replacement parts, including us at Phoenix Star. If your Phoenix Star bong is damaged, contact us for a special coupon to get replacement parts at a discount.

FAQs About Freezing Glycerin Bong 

1. How long should I freeze my glycerin coil bong for the best results? 

Typically, freezing your glycerin coil bong for 20 minutes to 1-2 hours will cool the smoke just fine. But for the best results, we recommend freezing it for at least 4 to 6 hours. If you want it to be as cold as possible and last longer during your session, freeze it overnight (8 hours or more). The longer you freeze it, the better the cooling performance!

2. Do I really need to freeze it for 4 hours every time I want to use it?

Not necessarily! Here are some practical tips:

a. Keep it in the freezer: If you use your glycerin bong frequently, just keep the coil in the freezer so it’s always ready to go. This way, you don’t have to worry about freezing it in advance.

b. Shorter freezing is okay: If you’re short on time, even an hour or two can make a noticeable difference, though it might not stay cold as long.

c. Consider a backup coil: If your bong design allows, keep a spare coil in the freezer for continuous use. Swap them out as needed to keep the cool hits coming!

3. Why does the glycerin warm up so quickly?

It’s common for glycerin in the coil to warm up after the first few hits. This happens because the glycerin isn’t fully frozen and your breath and room temperature gradually heat it up. Even though it feels super cool at first, it’s normal for the effect to lessen after a few uses.

4. Is it dangerous to keep my glycerin part in the freezer all the time?

Keeping your glycerin bong in the freezer is generally safe as long as you follow some basic guidelines. Glycerin doesn’t completely freeze at standard home freezer temperatures (about 0°F or -18°C), so it won’t expand enough to crack the glass. However, there are still a few things to keep in mind:

Freezer Safety Tips:

a. Avoid sudden temperature changes. Don’t take the water pipe straight from the freezer and rinse it with hot water; this can cause the glass to crack.

b. Store it securely in the freezer to prevent it from tipping over or getting knocked around by other items.

c. If you’re not using it frequently, it’s better to store it at room temperature to maintain the longevity of the glass and avoid unnecessary stress.


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